Guest lecture "Ways of World Making" by Elena Schütz - Something Fantastic on 25.11.20 at 14:15h
Lecture series radikal modern_04 by Prof. Heike Hanada and Dr. Jörg Gleiter
Radically Modern_04/Co-Ownership of Action. The Japanese Pavilion at the 2020/21 Architecture Biennale.
Online lecture and talk on November 19 5 pm (in English):
The lecture series 'Radikal Modern_4' will continue at the JDZB on November 19. Invited are the curators of the Japanese Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2020.
Prof. Heike Hanada with Prof. Dr. Jörg Gleiter will talk with the curators Kozo Kadowaki, Jo Nagasaki and Ryoko Iwase about their concept of "Co-Ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements". Spectacular was the idea of dismantling an ordinary Tokyo apartment building into its component parts, transporting it to Venice and rebuilding it there with archaeological meticulousness. In this way, the curators take up an old idea from the World's Fairs of the 19th century, but they do not reconstruct a temple or a classical Japanese house, rather they trace the history of Japan's development after 1945 by means of the history of a typical residential house. In the manner of a vivisection, the additions and alterations reveal not only the drama of life on a small scale, but also, as it were, the transformations and dislocations of modern Japanese society on a large scale.
To register your participation please go to www.jdzb.de
>> to the article "Vivisection - The Drama of Life" of world-architects.com
The lecture can be streamed via Youtube. Please use the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6U6-w_ygQ8
1st prize redesign of entrance hall Kunst Museum Winterthur to Ayse Erkmen and Prof. Heike Hanada
The city of Winterthur has announced a selective study commission for art and architecture. We are very pleased about the 1st prize "Redesign Entrance Hall Art Museum Winterthur / Reinhart am Stadtgarten" for Ayse Erkmen and Prof. Heike Hanada and congratulate warmly.
>> to the article City of Winterthur / Der Landbote from 06.11.2020 (german language)
Essays by Prof. Heike Hanada on the Bauhaus Museum Weimar, which she designed
Prof. Heike Hanada, the architect of the Bauhaus Museum Weimar, has published new essays on the museum.
These have appeared in the books "DAM Preis / Architekturführer Deutschland 2021", DOM Publishers, pages 64-65, ISBN 978-3-86922-771-9 and "Beton. Architekturpreis Beton 2020", Callwey Verlag 2020, pages 130-131, ISBN 978-3-7667-2478-6.
Lecture by Prof. Heike Hanada on 02.10.20 at the Museum im Kleihues-Bau in Kornwestheim
As part of the lecture series "Geometry and Poetry" 30 years of art in the Kleihues-Bau on Friday, 02.10.20 at 18:00 clock Prof. Heike Hanada is a guest at the Museum in the Kleihues-Bau in Kornwestheim for a lecture. The entrance fee incl. museum visit is Euro 6,00.
Due to the limited number of participants a registration is desired under Tel. +49 (0) 7154 / 202-7401.
>> Information flyer for the lecture series
Discussion on 23.09.20 in the House of Architects in Düsseldorf with Prof. Heike Hanada
As part of the exhibition "Ms. Architect. For more than 100 years: Women in the architectural profession", a discussion with Prof. Heike Hanada on the topic "From the successful female student to the invisible female architect" will take place on Wednesday, 23.09.20 at 19:00 in the House of Architects in Düsseldorf.
Group exhibition at Galerie Eigenheim with Prof. Heike Hanada
From 22.05. - 11.07.20 in the gallery Eigenheim a group exhibition will take place, in which also Prof. Heike Hanada will participate.
>> informations about the group exhibition in the gallery Eigenheim
Bauhaus Museum Weimar by Prof. Heike Hanada nominated for the DAM Prize for Architecture 2021
Since 2007, the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) has awarded the annual DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany. The award-winning project is published together with shortlisted buildings and three buildings by German architects in other countries in the German Architecture Yearbook. A special exhibition at DAM accompanies this publication.
We are pleased that the Bauhaus Museum in Weimar by Prof. Heike Hanada is among the approximately 100 buildings nominated for the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2021.
Prof. Heike Hanada from 16 - 29.03.20 on excursion in Japan, Tokyo
Unfortunately, the excursion cannot take place as planned due to the Corona virus and will be made up for at a later date.
From 16 - 29.03.20 Prof. Heike Hanada is on an excursion to Tokyo, Japan with the research assistant M.Sc. Antun Janković and a small group of students. On site interviews with Florian Busch / Jim Hathaway / Kozo Kodakami / Tatsuo Miyajima / Hidetoshi Ohno / Akira Suzuki are planned.
Finissage of the exhibition "ausSCHNITTE" by Prof. Heike Hanada at the Werkbund Berlin on 14.03.20
From 23.11.19 - 31.01.20 the exhibition "ausSCHNITTE" with snapshots of the new Bauhaus Museum in Weimar was on display at the Werkbund Berlin as well as in the offices of Prof. Heike Hanada. In this context, a finissage with subsequent discussion between Heike Hanada, Helga Schmidt-Thomsen and Renate Flagmeier will take place on 14.03.2020 at 4 pm in the rooms of the Werkbund Berlin.
Prof. Heike Hanada as guest of Prof. Dr. Friedrich von Borries
As part of his column "Ungelegte Eier" (Unlaid Eggs) for Monopol magazine, Prof. Dr. Friedrich von Borries once again invited guests to a creative lunch in March to talk about unfinished products.
In addition to Prof. Heike Hanada, Prof. Axel Kufus and Prof. Dr. Martin Tröndle were also invited.
>> to the article "Unlaid eggs 12" in Monopol magazine (german language)
The Bauhaus Museum Weimar - an article by Martina Metzner at german-architects.com
The article from 12.02.2020 on german-architects.com by Martina Metzner deals with Prof. Heike Hanada and the new Bauhaus Museum in Weimar.
Lecture by Prof. Heike Hanada on 31.01.20 at the 4th Aachen Conference of RWTH Aachen University
At the 4th Aachen Conference "Identity of Architecture" Prof. Heike Hanada will give a lecture on the Bauhaus Museum Weimar on 31.01.20 followed by a thesis discussion.
Booklet presentation "the architect" on 08.01.20 with Professor Heike Hanada in Berlin
On the occasion of the presentation of the magazine "der architekt 6/19: Konstruktion" on Wednesday, 08.01.20, a discussion will take place about the constructive basics of building between Prof. Heike Hanada, the architect Uwe Schröder and the editor-in-chief of "architekt" Andreas Denk. The free event begins at 7 pm at the DAZ Berlin-Mitte.