Guest lecture by Maria Claudia Clemente on 05.12.23 at 19:00
As part of our Monuments_ lecture series, we are looking forward to a guest lecture "The Architecture of public space" by Maria Claudia Clemente on Tuesday, 05.12.23 at 19:00 live via zoom, to which we cordially invite you.
The dial-in link is:
Meeting-ID: 910 1202 5075
Code: 123456
Lecture by Prof. Heike Hanada on 26.10.23 at the symposium "Identity of Architecture"
In the context of the annual symposium Identity of Architecture on 26.10.23 at the RWTH Aachen, Prof. Heike Hanada will give a lecture at 11.45h under this year's main topic "Form".
guest lecture by Prof. Heike Hanada at raumprobe Stuttgart on 18.10.23
On 18.10.23 Prof. Heike Hanada will give a lecture on the Bauhaus Museum in Weimar as part of the expert panel "The Bauhaus - past and present". The event will take place from 19.00 - ca. 21.00h and is organized by the material agency raumprobe and Altro Germany.
Further information: https://www.raumprobe.com/de/news/expertenrunde-bauhaus-2630
Prof. Heike Hanada visiting Tallinn in early September
Prof. Heike Hanada is a member of the jury for the Annual Award of the Estonian Association of Architects 2023. The award will be presented on December 8th, 2023 in a festive ceremony in Tallinn, Estonia.
Prof. Heike Hanada in the SWR2 essay - mental encounters with Walter Gropius
On 21.05.23, an essay by Prof. Heike Hanada entitled "(GRO)PIUS and I" - a fictional encounter - was broadcast on SWR2.
In this essay, Heike Hanada, architect and artist of the Bauhaus Museum in Weimar, which opens in 2019, uses a loose series of fictitious daydreams to describe mental encounters with Walter Gropius, which essentially relate to the development of modernism, its radicalisation, its failure and its renewed awakening.
Special attention is paid to the thinking and development of Walter Gropius before the First World War, i.e. before the founding of the Bauhaus in Weimar, as well as to his mature attitude in the 1960s at Harvard University.
Prof. Heike Hanada appointed to the NRW Academy of Sciences and Arts
The architect and artist Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Heike Hanada became a new member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts on 10 May 2023, together with 13 other scientists and artists. During the annual celebration, she received her certificate of admission to the Class of Arts from Prof. Dr. Julia Bolles-Wilson.
The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts was founded in 1970. It is the only German academy that, in addition to the sciences, has also united the arts under its roof since 2008. Only excellent scientists and artists are admitted. The members cultivate scientific dialogue among themselves as well as exchange with research and cultural institutions at home and abroad. Only those who, according to the statutes, have "distinguished themselves through scientific or artistic achievements" can be elected. Currently, the Academy has around 270 full members and almost 140 corresponding members.
Prof. Heike Hanada at the BDA lectures "Architektur+Baukultur" 2023
As part of the BDA lectures "Architektur+Baukultur" 2023, Prof. Heike Hanada will give the lecture "Between art and architecture - an untimely position" in the spring series on Wednesday, 03.05.23. Start: 7 p.m. at the Museum of Historical Maybach Vehicles, Holzgartenstraße 8, 92318 Neumarkt i.d.Opf. Admission is free; registration is requested at mailberschneidercom.
Prof. Heike Hanada at RIXARCH 2023 in Riga, Latvia

The Faculty of Architecture of RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia is initiating RIXARCH 2023 / I. International Conference on Architectural Design on March 24-25, 2023. The guest lecture by Prof. Heike Hanada "Traces of John Hejduk: Notes on urban thicket" will start on Friday, 24.03.23 at 11:15h.
Forwarding to the page of the RISEBA University / FAD for RIXARCH 2023