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Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering


SuSe 2025

Elective subject course Summer School Gardens of Venice in preparation for the Summer Academy 2025 in Venice

In summer term 2025, we are offering a preparatory seminar Summer School Gardens of Venice for the Venice Summer Academy under the direction of Prof Heike Hanada. The assignment will be handed out on Wednesday, 09.04.25 at 12:00 noon at the chair, GB II, 1st floor, room 211.

All further information and dates will be made available in the moodle room.

SuSe 2023

Elective subject course Inside/OUT - John Hejduk Kreuzberg Turm Berlin

In summer semester 2023 we offer a seminar Inside/OUT - John Hejduk Kreuzberg Turm Berlin under the direction of Prof. Heike Hanada. The issue of the task will take place on Tuesday, 04.04.23 at 15:30 at the chair, GB II, 1st floor, room 211.

The group size is limited to a maximum of 7 students; registration will take place on 04.04.23 after the introduction at the chair. If there are more than 7 students, the decision will be made by lot. Please plan to do 1-2 research sessions on site in Berlin.

Critique dates will take place in consultation with the group. We will provide all further information and dates in the moodle room.

WS 2022/23

Elective subject course Typus Auditorium

In winter semester 2022/23 we offer under the direction of Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Chiara Nardini and M. Sc. Kevin Groß-Bölting a seminar Typus Auditorium. The issue of the task will take place on Tuesday, 11/10/22 at 15:00 at the chair, GB II, 1st floor, room 211. The critique dates will be on Wednesdays in consultation with the group. We will make all further information and dates available in the moodle room.

SuSe 2022

Elective subject course gardens of resistance_05 Hombroich Island

In summer semester 2022 we offer another seminar from the series gardens of resistance_ under the direction of Prof. Hanada, this time dealing with the island of Hombroich. The issue of the task will take place on Tuesday, 05.04.22 at 13:00 live via zoom. On 03.05.22 there will be an excursion to the island Hombroich for all participants. All further information and dates will be made available in the moodle room.

SuSe 2021

Elective subject course gardens of resistance_ 04 unité berlin

In summer semester 2021 we offer another seminar from the series gardens of resistance_ under the direction of Prof. Hanada, this time dealing with the topic unité berlin. The issue of the task will take place on Tuesday, 13.04.21 at 12:00 live via zoom. The critiques are scheduled fortnightly and by appointment. We will provide all further information and dates in the moodle room.

WS 2020/21

Elective subject course gardens of resistance_03 unité berlin

In winter semester 2020/21 we offer another seminar from the series gardens of resistance_ under the direction of Prof. Hanada, this time dealing with unité berlin. The issue of the task will take place on Tuesday, 03.11.20 at 13:00 live via zoom. The critique dates will be set in consultation with the group. We will provide all further information and dates in the moodle room.

Elective subject course gardens of resistance_02 Dortmund

In winter semester 2020/21 we offer another seminar from the series gardens of resistance_ under the direction of Prof. Hanada in cooperation with Prof. Hans Edelmann - TH Cologne, this time dealing with Dortmund. The issue of the task will take place on Tuesday, 03.11.20 at 13:00 live via zoom. Critique dates will be determined in consultation with the group. We will provide all further information and dates in the moodle room.

SuSe 2020

Elective subject course gardens of resistance_01 Dortmund

In summer semester 2020 we start a seminar series gardens of resistance_ with the theme Dortmund under the supervision of Prof. Hanada. The issue of the task will take place on Monday, 20.04.20 at 15:15. The critique dates will be set in consultation with the group. We will provide all further information and dates in the moodle room.

Elective subject course Typus Drinking Hall

In summer semester 2020 we offer a continuation of the seminar Typus Drinking Hall under the supervision of M. Sc. Kevin Groß-Bölting. The issue of the task will take place on Monday, 04/20/20 at 15:45. The critique dates will be held in a 14-day rhythm. We will provide all further information and dates in the moodle room.

WS 2019/20

Elective subject course Typus Drinking Hall

In winter semester 2019/20 we offer a seminar with the topic Typus Drinking Hall under the direction of M. Sc. Kevin Groß-Bölting. The issue of the task will take place on Wednesday, 09.10.19 at 16:00. The critique dates will be held in a 14-day rhythm. We will provide all further information and dates in the moodle room.

Elective subject course Typological Transformation

In winter semester 2019/20 we offer a seminar with the topic Typological Transformation under the supervision of M. Sc. Antun Janković. The issue of the task will take place on 09.10.19 at 13.30h. The correction dates are weekly on Wednesdays in the time from 13.30 - 15.30.

SuSe 2019

Elective subject course The Museum in Urban Space

In summer semester 2019, we offer an elective subject course with the title The Museum in Urban Space, which is supervised by Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Kerstin Rothmann. The introductory meeting followed by the issue of the task will take place on 08.04.19 at 10.00 a.m. at the chair, room 211. All other dates will be determined with the students depending on the group size.

Elective subject course Architecture in Public Space

In summer semester 2019, we offer an elective subject course entitled Architecture in Public Space, which is supervised by Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Chiara Nardini. The introductory meeting followed by the issue of the task will take place on 08.04.19 at 11.00 a.m. at the chair, room 211. All other dates will be determined with the students depending on the size of the group.

WS 2018/19

Elective subject course The Department Store in the City

In winter semester 2018/19 we offer a continuation of the elective subject course entitled The Department Store in the City, which is supervised by Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Ulrich von Ey. The critique meetings will take place fortnightly on Tuesdays in the time of 10.15 - 11.45 am at the chair, room 211.

Elective subject course Stairs as Urban Space

In winter semester 2018/19, we offer a continuation of the elective subject course entitled Stairs as Urban Space, which is supervised by Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Georg Schönborn. The critique meetings will take place fortnightly on Tuesdays in the time of 10.15 - 11.45 am at the chair, room 211.

SuSe 2018

Elective subject course Stairs as Urban Space

In summer semester 2018 we offer an elective subject course entitled Stairs as Urban Space. It is supervised by Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Georg Schönborn. Correction appointments will take place on Wednesdays from 11:00 - 13:00 at the chair, room 211.

Elective subject course The Department Store in the City

In summer semester 2018 we offer an elective subject course entitled The Department Store in the City. It will be supervised by Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Ulrich von Ey. The correction appointments take place on Tuesdays from 11:00 - 12:30 at the chair, room 211.

Elective subject course Elements_ Light + Stairs

In summer semester 2018 we offer an elective subject course entitled Elements_ Light + Stairs. The supervision is provided by Prof. Heike Hanada. The correction appointments will take place on Tuesdays from 09.00 - 10.30 at the chair, room 211.