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Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Guest lecture Prof Hanada in Cesena on 01.04.2025

As part of the guest professorship of Prof. Uwe Schröder (RWTH Aachen) and Prof. Heike Hanada at the University of Bologna / Faculty of Architecture in Cesena, four basic positions of architecture will be presented on 1 April 2025. The speakers are Heike Hanada, Andreas Hild, Hans Kollhoff and Uwe Schröder. The event will be held in German with simultaneous translation into Italian. The venue is the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Cesena.

Panel discussion on 01.03.2025

To mark the reopening of the Kunstmuseum Winterthur | Reinhart am Stadtgarten, there will be a panel discussion with architect Heike Hanada, architect Annette Gigon, art historian Philip Ursprung and director Konrad Bitterli. The event will be moderated by Karin Landolt.

Saturday, 1 March 2025, 2 pm
Kunst Museum Winterthur | Reinhart am Stadtgarten

Further informations

Reopening Kunstmuseum Winterthur | Reinhart am Stadtgaren on 28.02.2025

Following extensive partial refurbishment, the Kunst Museum Winterthur | Reinhart am Stadtgarten is reopening its doors. The building can now be entered from both the city and park sides. The architectural redesign with a sculptural accent by artist Ayşe Erkmen and architect Heike Hanada is complemented by luminaires by Koenraad Dedobbeleer.

The Kunstmuseum Winterthur cordially invites you to the official reopening on
Friday, 28 February 2025 at 6.30 pm.


Reopening with masterpieces from Friedrich to Hodler.
Interventions by Koenraad Dedobbeleer

Speeches by:

    Jacqueline Fehr, Member of the Government of the Canton of Zurich
    Michael Künzle, Mayor of the City of Winterthur
    Bettina Stefanini, Director of the Foundation for Art, Culture and History
    Barbara Hafter, President of the Oskar Reinhart Foundation Board
    Tobias Guldimann, President of the Kunstverein Winterthur
    Konrad Bitterli, Director of the Kunst Museum Winterthur

Further Informations

Article from Bauwelt on the reopening

Article from Neue Zürcher Zeitung on the reopening

Reopening Kunstmuseum Winterthur / Reinhart am Stadtgarten

After more than a year of construction, the Kunstmuseum Winterthur / Reinhart am Stadtgarten is reopening with a new entrance area, designed and created by Prof. Heike Hanada in collaboration with the Belgian artist Koenraad Dedobbeleer. The reopening will take place on Friday, 28.02.25 in the presence of Prof. Hanada. On Saturday, 01.03.25 there will be a panel discussion between Prof. Heike Hanada, Prof. Dr Philip Ursprung and the Swiss architect Annette Gigon.

Article in the "Tagesanzeiger Winterthur" of 24.01.2025

Our new publication fragmental_

Our international symposium ‘fragmental_ on the dissolucion of public space’ from the Dortmunder Positionen series, initiated by Prof. Heike Hanada, took place at the German Academy Villa Massimo in Rome on 24 February + 25 February 2022. It examined the ambivalent identity of a monumental and at the same time romantic understanding of space between the built and its dissolution, between architecture and the reconquest of space by nature. We are delighted to present the texts and illustrations of all the speakers to the public in this publication.

Published in 2024 by Verlag Walther König under the order number 1666879 , ISBN 978-3-7533-0785-5 in English.

To the symposium

Lecture by Prof. Heike Hanada on 16.01.25 at the symposium "Identity of Architecture"

Logo zur Tagung Identität der Architektur der RWTH Aachen am 16.01.25 © RWTH Aachen

In the context of the annual symposium Identity of Architecture on 16.01.25 at the RWTH Aachen, Prof. Heike Hanada will give a lecture at 11.00h under this year's main topic "Time".
